かえるの目借時;蛙の目借時;蛙の目借り時 | [かえるのめかりどき;かえるのめかるどき(かえるの目借時;蛙の目借時);かわずのめかりどき(蛙の目借時;蛙の目借り時), kaerunomekaridoki ; kaerunomekarudoki ( kaeruno me shaku toki ; kaeru no me shaku t] (exp) springtime mating of frogs (haiku term) |
ハイク | [, haiku] (n) hike; (P) |
ハイクオリティ | [, haikuoritei] (n) high quality |
ハイクラス | [, haikurasu] (adj-na,n) high class |
ハイクリヤー | [, haikuriya-] (n) high clear |
ヒッチハイク | [, hicchihaiku] (n) hitch-hike; (P) |
や | [, ya] (prt) (1) such things as (non-exhaustive list related to a specific time and place); and ... and; (2) (See や否や) (after the dictionary form of a verb) the minute (that) ...; no sooner than ...; (int) (3) punctuational exclamation in haiku, renga, etc.; (aux) (4) (ksb |
一句 | [いっく, ikku] (n) (1) phrase (verse, line); (2) one haiku-poem |
一句詠む | [いっくよむ, ikkuyomu] (v5m) to make up a haiku poem |
俳号 | [はいごう, haigou] (n) pseudonym of a haiku poet |
俳画 | [はいが, haiga] (n) briefly drawn picture; haiku picture |
千代女 | [ちよじょ, chiyojo] (n) name of a haiku poetess |
句 | [く, ku] (n,n-suf) (1) section (i.e. of text); sentence; passage; paragraph; (2) {ling} phrase; (3) verse (of 5 or 7 mora in Japanese poetry; of 4, 5, or 7 characters in Chinese poetry); (4) haiku; first 17 morae of a renga, etc.; (5) maxim; saying; idiom; expression; (P) |
句作 | [くさく, kusaku] (n,vs) composing haiku poems |
句形 | [くけい, kukei] (n) (1) (See 句法・1) poetry form (esp. haiku); (2) (See 句法・2) grammatical structure in kanbun |
句心 | [くごころ, kugokoro] (n) poetic instinct; taste for haiku |
句碑 | [くひ, kuhi] (n) slab with a haiku cut on it |
天明調 | [てんめいちょう, tenmeichou] (n) (1) (See 天明・2,蕉風) style of haikai or haiku from the Tenmei era (based on a return to the style of Basho); (2) (See 狂歌) style of comical tanka from the Tenmei era (popularized by Oota Nampo) |
季 | [き, ki] (n) (1) season; (2) seasonal word or phrase (in haiku); (3) (See 一季・2,半季・1) year |
季寄せ | [きよせ, kiyose] (n) (See 歳時記) dictionary of seasonal words (for haiku and haikai) |
季詞;季言葉 | [きことば, kikotoba] (n) (obsc) (See 季語) seasonal word (in haiku) |
季語 | [きご, kigo] (n) seasonal word (in haiku); (P) |
山笑う | [やまわらう, yamawarau] (exp) mountain in springtime when all of the tree buds open at the same time (usu. in haiku); laughing mountain |
歳時記 | [さいじき, saijiki] (n) almanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets) |
海鼠 | [なまこ(gikun);かいそ;こ(ok);ナマコ, namako (gikun); kaiso ; ko (ok); namako] (n) (uk) (often translated as "sea slug" in anglicized haikus) (See 海牛・うみうし) sea cucumber (Holothuroidea spp.) |
秀句 | [しゅうく, shuuku] (n) splendid haiku; well-turned phrase |
背屈 | [はいくつ, haikutsu] (n) dorsiflexion; dorsal flexion |
腹が減っては戦は出来ぬ;腹が減っては軍は出来ぬ | [はらがへってはいくさはできぬ, haragahettehaikusahadekinu] (exp) (id) an army marches on its stomach; you can't fight on an empty stomach |
花鳥諷詠 | [かちょうふうえい, kachoufuuei] (exp) (See 花鳥風月) the beauties of nature as the key poetic theme; the central theme in composing poetry (haiku) must be the beauties of nature and the harmony that exist between nature and man. (The slogan of the Hototogisu School of modern Japanese haiku) |
雑俳 | [ざっぱい, zappai] (n) playful literature originating from haiku |